3rd Latin America
and the Caribbean
Regional Dialogue
Platform on
Anticipatory Action

Virtual Edition

Welcome to our 3rd Dialogue Platform LAC!

The 3rd Regional Dialogue Platform LAC will be held virtually on June 2nd and 3rd between 9:00 and 16:00 (Panama time), and on June 4th from 9:00 to 12:00. This event will bring together humanitarian actors, institutions that integrate national risk management systems, meteorological institutes, academia, international agencies, civil society organizations and other organizations with initiatives framed in anticipatory action and resilience in Latin America and the Caribbean.

A wide range of diverse and interactive sessions about the importance of anticipatory action in the region, lessons learned and best practices, as well as spaces for exchange and networking. The Anticipation Hub promotes these encounters as a platform for learning, partnerships, coordination, and the development of new ideas among key actors at a regional and global level.


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German Red Cross
Supported by
German Humanitarian Assistance